Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

If you stick around here you’ll find inspiration for living a healthier, nontoxic lifestyle, tips on paying off debt and saving money, encouragement when you need it most, and a few random DIY projects I’ve completed along the way. Thank you for being here!

These are a few of my favorite things...


This family-owned business values transparency and clean ingredients. I've liked everything I've tried and am slowly building up my collection. One of their best sellers and my personal favorites is their magnesium goodnight lotion. Use code "NEWTOEARTHLEY" to save 10%.

Branch Basics

I replaced all my cleaners with this one brand. The best part? I don't have to worry about inhaling any toxic fumes or my kids helping me clean with them. Not only are the ingredients safe but the products are effective as well. One bottle of concentrate makes multiple bottles of the various cleaners. A little truly goes a long way! Use my link to receive $10 off your order.

Thrive Market

This online retailer provides many varieties of nontoxic, non-GMO, organic options of food and other household items that are not always easy to find in my small town. They often have additional sales which helps maximize the savings. Not to mention their customer service is top notch. If you use my referral link you'll receive 40% off of your first order.

Check out some of my most popular blog posts (but only if you want to, of course)

I made a list of the eight greatest lessons I have learned from my husband and I honestly mean it when I say that these things all come naturally to him and I truly wish I could be more like him!

The 12 most important lessons I learned in my first 1,000 days of being a mom

Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. It’s the most rewarding and demanding job in the world. You’ll soon realize that you’re learning right along with your children, but that’s a good thing. 

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